Горячая линия
для инженеров

Горячая линия инженеров

Национальная палата инженеров осуществляет содействие инженерам в разрешении различных споров, связанных с осуществлением ими инженерной (инжиниринговой) деятельности. Палата принимает устные и письменные жалобы по случаям нарушения конституционного, гражданского, трудового, антикоррупционного, антимонопольного законодательства, и иных норм, регулирующих правоотношения связанные с осуществлением инженерной деятельности. Палата также оказывает содействие в сопровождении административных и уголовных дел.

По всем вопросам обращаться в офис Палаты
тел.: 8(495)123-68-02
e-mail: info@npirf.ru


National Association of Engineers of Russian Federation

Declaration of Engineering Performance

Today we live in a world dominated by the idea of consumption. The participants of the economic life as the main purpose often make a profit, resulting in a pattern of behavior in which it becomes the main criteria for determining success.

The meaning of the activity of engineers consists in bringing into the world of new ideas and their implementation to ensure harmonious development.

Professional community of engineers have long noted the gaps that impede the development of engineering in Russia: High School moved to the release of bachelors and masters, the current system of control engineering is incomplete. Value engineering diploma devalued. The social status of Russian engineer fell; engineering work is not respected either in the customer’s environment or in society.

Seeing all this, the National Chamber of Engineers wants to enable professional engineers to realize their potential in the interests of the state and society and to revive its high status.

National Chamber of Engineers said the main objectives of its activities:

  • the formation of society understand the role of the engineer as the protagonist in the creation and implementation of engineering projects;
  • consolidation of efforts of engineers in solving the problems faced by innovative design community;
  • maintenance of process of formation and professional development engineer within the professional association;
  • the involvement of youth in the field of engineering by promoting and increasing interest in engineering work;
  • creation of an information platform engineering community of Russian Federation;
  • State aid and economic entities in the search and selection of qualified engineers;
  • providing customers with engineering services and consumers accurate information about the professional engineer, scope of their activities and the level of qualification.